Kernel Analyzer November, 2004
>Kernel Analyzer


In the archive, the projet is cut in different parts:

./JavaKernelAnalyzer : this is the Java GUI to display results.

./Kernel_2.6.9 : contains the patchs. The 2 official KDB_V4.4 patches, and 1 patch for Kernel Analyzer. (x86 one processor + Linux 2.6.9)

./recorded_file_example : a few example files of task preemptions. They are already recorded by Kernel Analyzer and are just bound to test the Java GUI, without patching the kernel.

./user_module_proc : the "proc" module to retrieve Kernel Analyzer data from user space.

./user_sys_call : A test application to control Kernel Analyzer from user space.

Download an archive here: kernelanalyzer.tar.gz.


First, you'll notice the Patch for the Kernel needs to be applied on linux2.6.9, with KBD.

KDB is not mandatory, so if you don't want to apply it, edit the patch and remove what is related to:

To apply the patch on a version different that 2.6.9, I guess the trouble is to make system call number be coherent.It can be done by editing the file linux-2.6.9/include/asm-i386/unistd.h